Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Waiting, waiting, waiting!!

Well folks, we are almost to week 29!

I've been home for a week and a half and have had two appointments with Children's Mercy. From now until week 32 I will be scheduled for weekly appointments and starting on week 32 I will be scheduled for bi-weekly appointments. These appointments are very long and exhausting for this momma! We start off with a very long ultrasound where they track his movements for 30 minutes straight. During these 30 minutes Clark has to pass an eight point test called "BBP Testing," he has to move his body 3 times, move his extremities 5 times and practice his breathing for 30 consecutive seconds. He has had this test twice now and passed with 100% both times. If he fails the test then we have to undergo extra monitoring; so it's not a huge deal if he doesn't pass every time, but would be concerning if he regularly failed the testing. During the ultrasound he is measured to check his body size, weight, ventricles, and the amniotic fluid; they also check my internal incisions and Clark's incision. After the ultrasound we do what's called 'non-stress' and they track Clark's heartbeat for 20 minutes and watch for contractions.

At our appointment last week Clark's ventricles measured at 17mm and 17mm, one side has gotten a little bigger but this is part of the healing process and we were told to expect that they will continue to get a little larger. I had no signs of membrane separation, which is an indication of premature labor. The appointment went very well and had we had nothing but good news to come from it.

Clark taking a drink! Look at that little mouth open!
Today we had our second appointment and Clark's ventricles measured at 18mm and 19mm and he passed his BBP testing with flying colors. We got to see his face very clearly today and the ultrasound tech kept the camera on his face for about five minutes just so we could watch his cute little face! We got to see him yawn, drink some amniotic fluid (he was very thirsty!) and watch him play with his tongue! Unfortunately, today they noticed that I have some membrane separation and some amniotic fluid leakage that is concerning to the doctors. They monitored me on the non-stress test for longer than usual to make sure I was not having contractions and checked to verify that my water did not break and it has not so far. The doctors want me to come in on Friday to check up to make sure that there is no further membrane separation and that Clark still has enough amniotic fluid surrounding him. If there is more membrane separation or if I am leaking too much fluid, they will have to hospitalize me until they decide it is safe enough to deliver Clark.

- Clark's movements are amazing and he is doing so well at practicing his breathing!
Clark's face in 3D! So precious!
- My pain has been manageable and I am finally starting to wean off narcotics and able to use Tylenol for pain control.
- I am home!
- Our support system has been amazing! We are so lucky to have mom's that are willing to spend their days watching and taking care of me and our house!

- Although it is expected that Clark's ventricles might get larger, it's never easy seeing that number go up. We ask for prayer that the swelling slows down or stops all together.
- We ask for prayer that I don't continue to show membrane separation and that the leakage stops.

Much love, Cyrena

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